September 01, 2016
Jars of Clay Kingdom Worship Center, Inc.’s Home in 30 Program Claim Process
The Georgia Department of Law’s Consumer Protection Unit (“CPU”), on behalf of the State of Georgia, has reached an agreement with Jars of Clay Kingdom Worship Center, Inc. (“Jars of Clay”). Jars of Clay is allegedly a charitable organization that ministers and provides different services to the Atlanta metro area's homeless population, as well as others who may be in need. The services they claim to offer include providing shelters for homeless children and pregnant teens; daily food distribution; a jobs/resume preparation seminar; a free clothing outreach; and a program called "Home in 30," which promises to place homeless persons into housing within 30 days.
CPU alleges that Jars of Clay represented to consumers that it was affiliated with organizations such as United Way, the Food Bank Locator of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Georgia Department of Human Resources, when that was not the case. Further investigation revealed that neither the organization nor any of Ms. Favors' "ministries" were listed as 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, despite Favors' claims to the contrary (including her assurances to potential donors that their contributions would be tax-deductible). Jars of Clay and Favors have entered into an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance in which they have agreed to pay $24,000 in fees and penalties and $24,500 in restitution to consumers who were enrolled in the "Home In 30" program.
If you were a past participant in the Home in 30 program, you may be eligible for restitution in the amount of $25.00. To be eligible for restitution:
- You must have given payment to Jars of Clay Kingdom Worship Center, Inc. or Anita Lane Favors for purposes of enrollment in the Home in 30 Program that occurred between September 1, 2013 and September 30, 2015;
- The claim must be a complaint relating to Home In 30 services that were not provided as promised; and
- You must have suffered a verifiable out-of-pocket (monetary) loss.
To be considered for a refund, you will need to complete this claim form and submit it to the Georgia Department of Law in one of the following ways to be received no later than March 1, 2017:
- By fax at 404-651-9018; or
- By mail to:
Jars of Clay Restitution
Department of Law, Consumer Protection Unit
2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SE, Suite 356
Atlanta, Georgia 30334-9077; or
- By hand delivery to the address listed above.
Consumers who fail to submit all of the required information to us by March 1, 2017, will forfeit all claims to which they would be eligible under this settlement agreement.
Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please call 404-463-1013.