Resolve Your Dispute

We address complaints involving consumer transactions in which a business has acted in an unfair, deceptive or unlawful way.

Get Started

The first thing you should do if you have a problem with a business is to try to resolve your problem with the company directly.

Types of Complaints We Handle

Our office handles complaints involving consumer transactions that affect the public good. We prioritize these complaints based on whether they represent an ongoing pattern of improper behavior. If another state or federal agency has specific jurisdiction to handle your issue, we must refer your complaint to them.

Price Gouging Disclaimer

*We only handle price gouging complaints when the Price Gouging Statute has been invoked by the Governor in conjunction with a declared State of Emergency.

Our Process

Learn what information you need to gather, how to submit this information to us, and what to expect next.

Consumer A-Z Topics

Learn more about your rights and responsibilities on a variety of consumer topics, such as buying a car, credit & debt, home repairs and more.

Other Options for Resolving Your Dispute

If you are unable to resolve your dispute with a person or a business, you may want to consult with a private attorney or explore presenting your case in magistrate court.