ATLANTA, GA – 23andMe, a company that collects and analyzes consumers’ genetic information through direct-to-consumer testing, has filed for bankruptcy. 

23andMe collects highly personal information from consumers. In a bankruptcy proceeding, this sensitive data could be considered an asset, and as such, it could be sold or transferred to a third party. For this reason, the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division urges Georgians to review their privacy options and strongly consider deleting their accounts.

To delete your genetic data from 23andMe:

  • Go to and sign in to your account.
  • Click on your profile in the upper righthand corner of the site, then click “Settings.”
  • Scroll to the section at the very bottom of the page called “23andMe Data” and click the oval button that says, “View.”
  • Check the boxes of any data you would like to download and click “Request Download.” This step is optional and can take up to 30 days. You can continue with the following steps while you wait.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the red button that says, “Permanently Delete Data.”
  • You will receive an email with the subject line “23andMe Delete Account Request.” Open it, and click the button that says, “Permanently Delete All Records.” Your data will not be deleted unless you complete this step.

For additional information on how to delete your 23andMe account, visit the following page on the company’s website: Requesting 23andMe Account Closure