Resolving Consumer Complaints

When CPD receives a consumer complaint against a gym, we review it to determine whether there has been a violation of the Fair Business Practices Act (FBPA). Under the FBPA, all unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of consumer transactions are declared unlawful. This means CPD has the authority to proceed with administrative or legal action if we believe we have evidence that a health spa has engaged in unfair or deceptive acts or practices in its transactions with consumers. However, in an effort to resolve health spa complaints amicably and without further legal proceedings, CPD will often forward those that implicate possible violations of the FPBA to gym owners and/or corporate offices for immediate resolution.  

So that we can analyze the allegations of each health spa complaint fairly, we request that gym owners submit a written explanation of their position regarding each complaint and a detailed description of what steps will be taken to resolve the complaint. Often, such steps will go a long way toward mitigating any potential violations of the FBPA. There are also instances in which a consumer complaint has already been resolved before or during the process of being filed with this office. Should this be the case with a complaint involving your gym, please let us know when the complaint was resolved, and whether the consumer has been notified of the resolution. The more documentation you send us to show your efforts to resolve these complaints, the better equipped we’ll be to help you avoid further legal action.  

Please submit all written responses to health spa complaints to this office within ten business days of your receipt of our initial letter and the consumer complaint. If there are any questions or concerns regarding health spa complaints, you may contact this office at (404) 458-3800.