You May Have a Credit Problem If...

  • Your creditors keep calling you for payment.
  • You don't have a budget worked out.
  • You use your credit card to buy groceries and are not able to pay off the debt in full each month.
  • You pay bills at a check-cashing store or a Western Union instead of mailing them.
  • You have to cash your checks at a check-cashing store.
  • You use your credit card for cash advances at the ATM.
  • The banks won't let you open a checking account due to a history of bouncing checks.
  • You are thinking about filing for bankruptcy.
  • You have more than three Master Card-type credit cards.
  • You carry a balance on your gas card.
  • You carry a balance on your high-interest department store cards.
  • You only send in the minimum monthly payment on your bills.
  • You can't even afford the minimum monthly payment on your bills.
  • You had to drop cable TV or your cell phone because you couldn't afford it.
  • You owe more money on your car than it's worth (you’re “upside down” on the loan).
  • You can't afford your car payment, or you are over the mileage limit on your lease.
  • You've never seen your credit report.
  • When dining with friends, you often collect the cash and then pay with your credit card, even though you cannot pay the monthly bill in full.
  • You have been recently turned down for credit or a loan.
  • You don't have two months living expenses in the bank.
  • You are afraid to show your spouse the checkbook, and it is not reconciled.
  • You move around more than once per year because you can't afford the rent.
